Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP) Fact Check

is a powerful psychoactive cannabinoid with an intoxicating effect many times stronger than THC. More information on the substance may be found on utilisation Wikipedia
Legal situation in Austria
THCP and its derived substances (d8-THCP, THCP-O, etc.) are subject to Austria’s New Psychotropic Substances Act (NPSG) . This means that the production and/or trade of THCP products is prohibited. THCP products may be confiscated by authorities. Possession and consumption are exempt from punishment.
Legal situation in Germany
The BtMG does not explicitly mention THCP. As of October 2023, possession and consumption of THCP products is not prohibited in Germany. Whether THCP falls under the German New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG) is still being determined. We assume that the trade with THCP products for utilisation (consumption, vaping, smoking) is most likely prohibited. The expected penalty is unclear. This depends on which and how many laws have been violated. These may include: Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act (LMSVG), New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG), Medicines Act (AMG), and, in the case of smokable products, the Tobacco Act and Non-Smoker Protection Act.
Legal situation in Europe
In the countries that have a New Psychoactive Substances Act (NpSG) in which group definitions according to structures are laid down (Austria, Germany, Poland, France, etc.), THCP is subject to this NPSG or further clarifications may be expected. We may assume that the entire EU area will adopt a uniform regulation sooner or later.
Drug tests
THCP is detectable in body fluids with the usual drug tests. Blood tests in the context of driver fitness examinations are able to identify THCP as a psychotropic substance. In urine drug tests for proof of abstinence, THCP can be detected with the most common THC tests. In the next few years, studies will determine detection times . Until then, THCP detection times may be assumed to be similar to THC.
"Natural" THCP
The THCP in sales products is not a natural product, it is always produced synthetically. Natural THCP occurs far too rarely and in far too low concentrations (between 0.0023% to 0.0136%) to be used commercially.
The production of THCP primarily results in by-products. Most THCP products sent to our laboratory did contain unknown by-products or THC.
Health hazard
THCP behaves as a full agonist to the CB1 receptor. This means potent and long-lasting effects may occur unexpectedly, even at lower doses. There is currently no study data on the toxicity, neurotoxicity, or carcinogenicity of THCP or its by-products. Therefore, we do not know whether THCP products damage organs or nerves or cause cancer.
If someone is harmed by consuming a THCP product, the producer and/or seller can be held responsible as competent according to § 88 StGB (Austrian Criminal Code, negligent physical injury).

We at the IFHA see our role as supporting companies in improving the quality, product, and consumer safety of hemp and hemp products. Therefore, we recommend not to consume or trade with THCP products. In our Cannabis Advanced Analysis, we can detect the presence of THCP and assess whether a sample is THCP free.



